Writing and Communication Services
Professional writing services for legal, business, and legislative communities
512-731-1072 | email

Legal Writing for Attorneys & Trial Consultants

The words you choose to frame your case presentation can spell the difference between success or failure in negotiating a settlement or winning at trial. Sondra Williamson crafts compelling arguments that create powerful personal connections with jurors.

Proven expertise. Since 1998, Sondra has worked for some of the most respected attorneys and trial consultants in the nation, on behalf of both plaintiffs and the defense. She has been involved in dozens of cases, including wrongful death, medical malpractice, birth injuries, product liability, patent infringement and others.

Straight talk/Reptilian approach. Sondra speaks to her audiences in simple language that conveys respect and connects with them at the gut level. She taps into their innate sense of right and wrong and their intuitive ability to sense traits such as greed and honesty, betrayal and courage. Sondra is adept at establishing trial themes, setting the stage for the presentation of evidence, bringing all the elements of trial together and leading jurors to a favorable conclusion.

Invested in your success. Sondra’s investment in your success comes through in every manuscript she crafts. She genuinely shares your passion for equity in the civil justice system and is dedicated to helping achieve justice for your clients.

Case Preparation and Trial:

  • Disclosure statements
    • Client interviews
    • Biographies
    • Damages
    • Medical narratives
    • Explanation of expert testimony
    • Life plans
  • Opening statements
  • Closing arguments
  • Settlement brochures
  • Language for motions and briefs


  • Media packets
    • Case backgrounds
    • Biographies
    • Press releases
  • Opinion-editorials
  • Media statements and talking points
  • Media placement
  • Media calls

Professional Development:

  • Firm brochures
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs
  • Magazine articles
  • Book collaborations
think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of people